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Are you of the Word or of the World?

Matthew 5:19 “Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”

In this verse, Jesus talks about the fulfillment of the law that he has created. He didn’t come to change the laws, but to fulfill them in a way that cannot be misinterpreted, if studied accurately.

A common misconception within the world today, and even in the 1st generation of Christians, is that God’s Word will be taken and alternated into fitting the needs of each individual. The person will take their own version of the Word and practice it within their daily life, fully believing that they are following the way of the Lord. Jesus references Isaiah by saying, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules”, Matthew 15:8-9.

In saying this, we can’t have one foot in the church and one out the door. Our faith will never grow in living this way. Jesus wants to see each and every one of us follow Him with all that we are! Living in the light of the Lord can protect us from many darknesses. This consists of false idols, worldly possessions, money, greed, substance, etc. Indulging in this type of life separates a person from the church, being known as “worldly” which is stated in 1 Corinthians 1-3. People are caught up in jealousy, division, and judgment - and Paul tells them that he cannot identify them as true Christians, for they are still worldly. They are too busy becoming caught up in the social aspects that come with the world, as opposed to what God wants them to do and where he is leading them.

Ultimately, we are to die at the end of this life, however, the gift from God we shall receive is eternal life and salvation. Paul speaks in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We do not have the right to assume we are to be treated to our needs, rather we need not to expect these needs to be met, but come to the realization that God will give us what is truly needed. We are to trust this process and become aware that yes, we are sinners, but we are made whole within God’s Word and the true gospel that He has delivered to us.

The world in itself can be tempting, and far too easy to fall into. However, embracing Christ and the word that is placed in front of us will bring a great deal of developing a sense of control and obtaining discipline in order to rightfully follow this path that is placed before us. The Scripture is a guide in being able to find true faith and true commitment to the word of God. Through Christ we have received salvation, and despite trials and hardships, we are to allow them to make us stronger and deepen our faith in return. God will shape us into the beings He wants us to be, but in return we must follow his word and trust the commandments given.

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Membre inconnu
06 juil. 2021

Thank you for sharing this it is very beautifully written and so true!! Not only your heavenly father being proud of you bit so is your momma!!

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