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Congregation Testimony - Melissa Stenquist

Updated: Apr 14, 2019

On March 3rd, 2018 I was baptized. Just 9 months before that, I was being released from jail. During my incarcerations back in July of 2016, my father passed away from an unexpected death and I was devastated. In these moments, I felt very far from God. I needed comfort, someway, somehow, so I asked the Chaplain’s office to send someone to pray with me. Along came Joyce, who looked familiar to me, but I just couldn’t place her. I soon realized that we had mutual friends, however, our lives hadn’t crossed paths until this moment. Joyce encouraged me and gave me so much hope. She visited me weekly to bring the Word of God. We would talk and she would pray with me. At this point, I knew I wanted to turn my life around. I expressed to Joyce how I wanted to get baptized and find a church to get involved. She told me of a bible study at her place on Tuesday nights and that I was welcome to come. When released, I was immedialty entered a drug treatment program. From there, I was sent to a halfway house. My son was in foster care at this time and I was hoping and praying that God would give me another chance. Joyce reassured me that if I continue to do God’s will and turn my life over to Him, that things would get better. I was thirsty for God’s Word and He also reassured me through His Word that He as going to heal me and restore my life. He did just that.

I had found out that I had hepatitis C from when I was in active addiction. The halfway house sent me to a apply for medical care and insurance through homeless grants. This insurance plan approved the $80,000 cost of medication and now I am hepatitis free! I was also able to get all my dental needs and health care taken care of. I know that God loves me and cares about my health. He preserved me.

Over the next few months as I kept in touch with Joyce, I had yet to make it to one of her bible studies at her house. I soon learned that God had gifted her and her husband a church (as their bible study was growing and they needed more room). Around this time, I was still working on getting custody of my son and it was time to move. Sure enough, February came, and I found a place (or should I say, God found my place), which just so happened to be conveniently located near the church.

I would like to say that it’s kinda weird how stuff like this happens, but it’s not. I learned that it’s supernatural and definitely God working in my life. Somehow, I just know that I’m exactly where I should be. My baptism was scheduled for March 3rd. The week before, my family court judge granted unsupervised visitation with my son. This happened to fall during the same weekend my baptism was scheduled. If there was anybody that I wanted to witness that moment, it would be my son. Just another God moment that makes my heart smile! My son and I were reunited on June 6th. In July, he followed in my footsteps and was baptized before the church.

God has moved through, and among the members of the church. In August, my mother passed away and the hand of God just held me through the church members. He carried me through…they were His hands and feet. I can’t say I had the best childhood. My mother was in active addiction throughout my upbringing and passed away as a direct result of her disease of addiction. However, I wanted to honor my mother and the church helped me do just that. They organized the memorial service and all funeral arrangements.

I am eternally grateful for the Solid Rock Ministry and all it’s members. Being a part of this ministry has filled my heart with so much love, joy, and peace. It has given me a purpose in life today and this purpose is to draw others to Christ, as He drew me unto Him.

I just completed 1 year of community control. When I was first placed under this supervision, I wanted to feel sorry myself, but God’s spoke to me through Proverbs 3:11-12 “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline or be weary of His reproof. For the Lord reproves him whom He loves as a father, the son in whom He delights.” I knew my Lord loved me and that He would bring me through it. Because God’s Word is so alive and active, He had changed my perception. I have learned so much during the time of my community control (aka God’s discipline). It taught me patience, time management, how to budget my finances, and self-discipline. It’s a blessing today to have learned from my mistakes. And it’s even more amazing how God can use me and my mistakes to help somebody else.

I thank God for putting me on Pastor Billy’s heart to be the leader of The Solid Rock’s prisoner outreach. As I research prisoners, my heart goes out to them because it’s only by God’s that I am not where they are. I pray and ask God to use me and other members of the church to plant a seed as Pastor Joyce did with me back in August 2016. Today I have hope and like it says in 1 Timothy 6:12 “I fight the good fight of faith and take hold of the eternal life which you were called, and you made the good confession before many witnesses”.

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