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How Do We Remain in Jesus?

Look at a grapevine. The vine itself is strong, thick, and stable. The branches are thin and weak, but they are bearing clusters of juicy grapes because they are joined to the vine. 

We cannot even abide in our own strength. We tend to focus on ourselves, to wonder whether we’re a good branch, if people like our fruit, if we look like we’re remaining in the vine. 

We wander off in search of satisfaction from our work, our ministry, or any number of hobbies and substances. 

We get wrapped up in the world around us, worrying that the sun will burn too hot, the winds will blow too hard, and the rain won’t fall. 

We fret that the bills won’t get paid or our children won’t know that they’re loved, that our country will destroy itself because the politicians can’t get it right, that World War III is imminent, and that our loved ones are going to die. 

All of that might happen. But our source of life will not change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

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