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The Real Enemy (Not A Virus)

Despite these days of social distancing we can still deliver, through social media, an important message to almost everyone on the planet. So let’s deliver the greatest message — the Gospel of Jesus Christ — truth in love and the power of the Holy Spirit. The prince of the power of the air has become the prince of the power of the air waves of most national media — denying truth, ignoring that which is important, distorting the truth, attacking it, while promoting evil and outright lies. While provoking fear. The enemy we must be concerned about is not liberals, conservatives, other religious groups, progressives, radical Islam, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS. It’s not even a deadly virus. The real enemy is the deceiver, the father of lies, the great divider, the author of destruction and death. It is the evil one who manipulates these groups and individuals — like puppets on a string, and fish on a hook or dragged in a net. It is the evil one who stokes them to stir fear and anxiety — urging people to run to pharaoh, rather than relying on God. These enemies of God, His Word, and time-tested proven principles of freedom are totally controlled by this father of lies. He is intent on destroying the kingdom purpose of God and all that the heavenly Father desires for those He gave His Son to redeem. This is the enemy that we, as believers and witnesses, are sent to take on and defeat — as we suit up faithfully in the armor of God, filled with His Holy Spirit, to arise and watch His enemies be scattered by the power of our Deliverer. Jesus said He sends us as sheep in the midst of wolves. But by no means is He sending us to the slaughter. We go forth living in the shadow and shelter of the Almighty, with the Lord as our Shepherd — who will deliver us from evil, scatter the predators, and kill a bear and a lion to protect us. He said He is our Shepherd — leading us in green pastures of provision and beside still waters, calmed by His presence. He promises to give us peace even in the midst of the storm. He will be with us in every valley, including the valley of the shadow of death. You are sent by God with a mandate from Heaven, a charge from your Father and a great commission from Christ, to storm the gates of hell and set captives free. You are to give no more ground to the enemy of the transforming truth and freedom that God offers. Jesus said the Kingdom of heaven is at hand, and you are to make a kingdom of God impact on this planet and on the realm of darkness and destruction. We have not been redeemed, born from above, to get out of here and into Heaven. We have been redeemed to bring the kingdom of Heaven and the glory of God here on earth right now. These are not just words. In this current crisis, we are seeing God’s family fan out to serve our communities in the midst of the pandemic’s destruction. They are out of the church building and on the doorstep of needy neighbors. They are sacrificing. Indeed, you are to live as salt protecting and preserving the precious — and all life is precious. You are to be light exposing evil, illuminating the way and revealing God’s best for all whom He loves and gave His Son to redeem. We have not been redeemed, born from above, to get out of here and into Heaven. We have been redeemed to bring the kingdom of Heaven and the glory of God here on earth right now. In the model prayer, before the phrase “Thy will be done,” is the key to God’s will being done! “Thy kingdom come.” That’s the key! That’s transforming truth. His kingdom is here now in the life of every believer. This power is revealed to and through every yielded vessel shaped by the master Potter as vessels of honor, filled to overflowing with His Spirit and power. This is the Spirit that Jesus referenced when He said He must, for our advantage, leave in order that another of the same kind — the Paraclete, the Spirit of Jesus — may live in each one of us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In this way, He can guide us to all truth. And if we abide in Him, we will know the truth and the truth will set us free. This is the Spirit He told the disciples to tarry for until they were endued with power from on high. In a glimpse of what happens when believers become an answer to His prayer in John 17, and tarry in the supernatural unity He prayed for, they were then filled to overflowing with power from above. The Spirit that had been resident in them became present in them — and even the Christ-denying, boastful but cowardly Simon Peter was so endued with power from on high that he became the keynote speaker at Pentecost. Everyone who trusts Christ IS called by God to be the vessels through whom He flows His life, His love and the transforming truth of the gospel. Yes, this pandemic is global, but it is not bigger than our God. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we have no limits. God wants to send you out, every one of you, as His witnesses — ambassadors for Christ, over-comers and more than conquerors in His Name, setting captives free through the transforming power of the gospel you faithfully share. Nothing you will ever do is more important than sharing the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit. The believers in Acts, who were filled with the Holy Spirit, in mighty power and with great boldness proclaimed the gospel in other tongues — other languages. Literally, they were communicating the truth of Jesus Christ with such great communication skill that the dialect, the accent, was exactly like those they were communicating with. That power today enables us to talk to the young and the old, rich and poor, educated and uneducated, to the millennial's, to the baby boomers, to every race, every kindred, every tribe, every nation. And in this hour, that power enables us to talk over the fear and anxiety caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Yes, this pandemic is global, but it is not bigger than our God. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we have no limits. The stage is set for the next great awakening — I believe the greatest in history! The Bible clearly says Jesus is coming for a bride adorned in His glory. Now is the time for us to arise with the glory of the Lord upon us, totally committed to His kingdom purpose. While the world fears COVID-19, we proclaim Psalm 19. “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O LORD, my rock and redeemer.” May every one of you say, “I gladly lose my life in Your kingdom purpose and trust You to accomplish Your will through my yielded Spirit-filled life. To You be the glory forever and ever and ever, amen!”

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